Hello, I’m Ye Han from China 😊

I will introduce you to myself and my attitude towards travel. I come from Yunnan Province in southwest China. My hometown is famous for its natural resources and beautiful scenery and has a well-developed tourism industry. Traveling everywhere with my parents is my childhood. I moved to Canada with my parents five years ago, and they chose Vancouver because it has a very similar climate to my hometown. I love to travel and spend time with my family and friends. This originated from my father, who loves photography, throughout the year He will explore all over the world for three or four months. We will make travel plans together and realize it. There are many kinds of hobbies about me. The longest lasting one is playing the cello. At age seven, I started playing cello, it’s able to enhance my memory, attention, and empathy through playing cello.

I think travel and music are the best way to heal. Music is another way to travel, and travel is like the most romantic song in life. It’s impossible to travel every day, but music is a therapy I need almost every day. There are times when I am having a very difficult day. The moment I start playing cello everything changes for me. I view cello as medicine for reducing stress, anxiety, and comfort. In my personal experience, I have noticed that the type of music a person is listening to tells us a lot about their mental health. My friend sometimes listens to independent music created by local artists. She is an introverted person and she listens to them because she likes music with meaning. I prefer listening to tunes because it makes me feel creative and relaxed. This is the same as traveling. I love traveling, not just to reach the destination, but to enjoy the fun and the freshness of the scenery along the way. The most unique hobby is that I can observe plants and animals very patiently, even for several hours, I will collect beautiful stones or leaves as a souvenir when traveling. Here are the stones that I find unique:

Regarding my education, in the first two years I purchased Natural Resource science in TRU, Initially, due to recent pollution problems, I wanted to learn more about sustainability, and at that time I felt that learning was a great achievement. However, due to The difficulty of language barriers and science I decided to change my major. At the same time, my student advisor talked to me about the potential in tourism program. The advisor told me about the new trends in tourism. For example, she talked about Dark tourism and tourism. digital marketing, I got excited about it and decided to change the major.
